Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lose Weight In A Month By Changing How You Drink Water

Water is obviously the healthiest liquid you could drink, but did you know by changing how you drink this healthy supporter of life you can dramatically increase your fat loss?
In this article I’ll give you the top 5 ways you can change how you drink water to boost your weight loss efforts.

Drink Water Consistently The Entire Day

Drinking water throughout the day will make you feel fuller and satisfied, therefore, avoiding cravings. By feeling fuller you also eat smaller meals which will bring down the amount of calories you consume in a day. Less calories = faster weight loss. Try to consume 8 or more glasses of water a day.

Substitute All Your Other Drinks With Water

It blows my mind how many calories and sugar is in a seemingly healthy drink like a v8 splash. It’s advertised as a healthy blend of fruits and vegetables, so that must mean you can drink it with a clear conscious right? Wrong! A 16 fl oz. bottle will have 140 calories, 32 grams of sugar, and its main source of sugar is high fructose corn syrup. I won’t touch on high fructose syrup here because it should be a post in itself. So what should you do to avoid consuming sneaky calories laced with sugar? Just drink water, and water alone. You may be thinking, “But water is so bland, it sucks”. Remember, use water as a tool to get to your weight loss goals, then once you achieve them you can eat whatever you want because you’ll know how to maintain that healthy weight.

Cold Water Is A Secret Fat Loss Booster

Studies have shown that drinking cold water as opposed to room temperature water cause your body to have a metabolic reaction. Let me explain, the human body is mostly made up of water. Our body uses water at room temperature or hotter. So when you drink cold water, your body has to use energy (calories) to warm up water and get it to a useful temperature. This allows you to passively increase your body’s metabolism, just by drinking your water cold! This trick is awesome and has never let me down. Try it today!

How To Lose Excess Water Weight

The pounds you read on your scale are many different things: muscle, fat, bones, organs, excess water, etc. Your body holds excess water in different places and once you get rid of it, you will look leaner and meaner. So how do you get rid of it? A simple method bodybuilders use around the globe to get shredded for a competition or photo shot is decreasing the amount of salt they consume and increasing the amount of water they drink. Consuming a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to hold onto water. Similarly, if you don’t drink enough water, your body will hold onto water because it doesn’t know when the next time you give it more will be. So by decreasing your salt intake and drinking more water, your body gets rid of extra water weight because it no longer has a need for it. The final result of this manipulation will be you looking thinner and leaner.

And Finally, Always Drink Water Before You Eat A Meal

This one kind of calls back to our first way to change how we consume water, but this change is really your ace in the hole. It’s a game changer. Simply put, drink 1 or 2 cups of water 5 – 10 minutes before you eat a meal. This makes your brain think you are fuller when you begin to eat the meal, so you will instinctively eat less. After all, the golden rule of fat loss is less calories = faster fat loss.

I hope you enjoyed this article, and always remember, water is your best friend!

Don't like drinking plain water? Try this!

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