Monday, March 30, 2015

Fastest Way To Lose Fat

You, yes you reading this, read the title and immediately thought one of two things. Either "Finally, some tips on how to burn fat efficiently!" or "Here he goes, yet another person who thinks they have some secret method for incredible fat loss". Well, I'm here to disappoint both person A and person B. 

Person A, I'm not here to give you tips, I'm here to open your mind to the realization that accumulating dozens of tips won't make your body magically morph into a lean, mean, fat blazing machine.

Person B, I'm not here to give you some secret ninja technique, but rather, to present solid nutritional and dietary foundations that when applied properly lead to results that are nothing short of astounding. 

Without further ado, lets get into just how it is possible to lose fat quickly and healthfully. 

fastest way to lose fat

First, What Is Body Fat? And Why Does Our Body Store It? 

Body fat is simply stored energy (calories). When we eat calories in excess of what our bodies needed that day, our bodies break down the excess food and store it as fat. It does this because in nature it is wise to save food for later, after all, you never know when a shortage of food may happen. 

In modern times, we hardly have the need to exert much energy because we have cars, buses, elevators, etc. Also, food is in abundance, grocery stores are full and restaurants are on ever block, but our bodies are still survival machines so they continue to store excess calories as fat. 

Second, How Do We Make Our Bodies Burn Stored Fat?

So how do we tell our bodies "Hey! Start burning fat, I don't need it anymore!" 
The simple answer is to create a calorie deficit. 

Being in a calorie deficit is when your body is burning more calories than you consume, so in order to make up for the missing calories, your body starts burning that body fat it has been storing. Calorie deficit = weight loss, but as always, life isn't that simple. 

Third, A Calorie Deficit Can Feel Like Heaven Or Hell, You Pick Which One!

Just like tearing down a building, you can either do it by running yourself into its walls until something gives. 

Or you can use the right tools, equipment, and machinery to make it a breeze. 

When deciding how you should use a calorie deficit to tear down walls of excess body fat, please consider acquiring the right tools. I've seen too many people try to lose weight by eating processed garbage that says its only 100 calories. Yes, chemically it is only 100 calories, but in the real world, it's more like 300 calories. Let me explain... 

You have a bag of crackers that says it only has 100 calories, so you think to yourself "That's not a whole lot of calories, and it looks good so lets chomp those crackers!" They hit your lips, the flavor is swirling on your tongue, and down the hatch they go.  

10 minutes later you feel hungry again; huh, that's weird, you just snacked. Little do you know your body got almost no nourishment out of those crackers, so now it wants more calories. The crackers were nothing more than some bleached flour, salt, and some other ingredients that are unpronounceable. 

Your body received calories from that snack, but those calories were empty and not filling at all. So then you want need to eat another 100 calories in hopes it will help, and if those next 100 calories are also garbage you have yourself another 100 calories to reach 300 calories. 

If everything you eat is processed garbage, you can expect to feel miserable while in a caloric deficit. Instead, if you eat 100 calories worth of strawberries (roughly 2 cups of whole strawberries) you are going to feel full with fiber, healthy sugar, and a boost of vitamin C. It's going to feel like a strawberry meal rather than a snack. 

So, what is the: 

Fastest Way To Lose Fat

A healthy calorie deficit combined with a satisfying natural diet. 

Simple, but if you would like to boost your weight loss even further, click here.

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